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What Is A VPN?

VPNs: Why, What and How - Part Two If you read my previous article ‘VPNS why should I get one’ then you are no doubt reading this article because you are a concerned internet user and you are after a little more information. The subjects in this article are verging on the

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Why You Should Get A VPN

VPNs: Why, What and How - Part One As time goes on we are wising up to the fact that the advancements of technology are not always for the betterment of the user. More and more we are becoming unknowing victims of analysis, spying and hacking. There are steps that every

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Windows 10 upgrade no longer a choice

Windows 10 Upgrade No Longer a Choice Microsoft is trying something new and we’re not very confident it’s for your benefit. As of February 2016 Windows 10 will automatically download for millions of users. In July 2015 millions of people awoke to Microsoft’s ‘new approach’ to sales and software integration of their new

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Remote IT Support

Computer Zen - Remote IT Support Don’t waste your precious time. Remote IT Support is the answer. “The title doesn't do the service justice. I have never felt closer to my clients than when I am just one click away from not only supporting them but really understanding their problems.” -  Toby

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Dangerous New Cryptolocker Virus

Dangerous New Cryptolocker Virus This month we have had a few clients come to us with their machines infected with a malicious virus known as a Cryptovirus. In my 14 years as an IT professional have i ever seen such a damaging computer virus as this. What is a Cryptolocker virus? A Cryptolocker

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Business Owners, Are you Backing up Your Sensitive Data?

Today, more and more businesses are switching to digital methods of communication and information storage. This means that your computers now contain most, if not all, of the information required to run your business successfully – your tax and accounting records, your client information and receipts, your business plans and

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